Etusivu > Uutiset ja tapahtumat > Invitation to 8th Annual VTT Software Engineering Seminar on 7 Sept. 2011
Invitation to 8th Annual VTT Software Engineering Seminar on 7 Sept. 2011

Invitation to 8th Annual


7th of September 2011 at VTT, Oulu, Finland


New Thinking: Better Software Engineering - Great Experiences


VTT and leading companies challenge you to learn and discuss about productive ways of doing things in changing environment. Topics include innovation, security, Cloud technologies, lean approach towards efficiency and other software development methods and tools.


Keynote Jari Partanen, EB, Towards organization – wide Lean and Agile Way of Working – Thoughts from EB cockpit


Detail program, additional information and registeration



Programme, chairman research professor Timo Koivumäki, VTT


9.00 Welcome speech, Matias Vierimaa, VTT

Keynote, Jari Partanen, EB

Cloud of Services and Software Engineering, T. Huomo, VTT

Lean & Global SW development – T.Vesanen, Symbio, A.Saari, F-Secure,  P.Parviainen, VTT

Innovation & value co-creation -  A.Välimäki, Metso, S.VilminkoDigia, T.Koivumäki, VTT

Cost-effective Secure Services   –  J-M. Tirilä, CodenomiconM.Mantere, VTT

Effective development tools & methods – tbd, EB, MJuoperi, NSN, H.Tanner, VTT

15.00 - 17.00    Cocktail event, Demos and Posters

Register by 31th August 2011.


Seminar price is 122 € (incl. VAT) and it includes morning coffee, lunch and cocktail event.


Welcome to our seminar


Matias Vierimaa,

Technology Manager

Software Technologies

