home > News & Events > Webinar 16.3. at 15.00-15.15 : "Creating Value based Offerings for the Cloud" - Bronan McCabe, VTT
Webinar 16.3. at 15.00-15.15 : "Creating Value based Offerings for the Cloud" - Bronan McCabe, VTT

The Cloud is driving significant change to the business landscape for ICT and Software providers. The new ecosystem introduces business models and revenue streams that offer functionally less expensive solutions and lower the total cost of ownership. This increased competitive rivalry is forcing companies to seek new and improved ways to differentiate their offering. Providing ‘value’ that is superior to one’s competitors is a meaningful solution, however the term ‘value’ is one of the most over and misused concepts in the field of both business and academia. This presentation provides a framework for unlocking the complexity behind the jargon and offers a solution for increasing the value offered to customers and users alike. Whilst the environment might be complex and challenging, it brings with it a wealth of opportunity. Those who seize the moment will, create significant competitive advantage over their rivals and that will enable them to grow and flourish in this new future landscape.


bronanMr. Bronan McCabe has over twenty years experience in the high technology sector. In January 2010 he joined VTT as a research scientist to complete a PhD on the Business of Cloud Software. In 2006, he founded Galloglass consultants serving a series of VC funded technology start-ups. McCabe has held senior management positions at highly successful high-tech start-ups; these include Tundra Plc (Canada) and Microchip Inc (USA). He received an MBA with distinction from Brookes University (Oxford) in 2009 and was awarded both MBA & CMI Prizes.




