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Deployment can be fast and reliable

F-Secure's projects in the Cloud Software Program involves a PaaS (Platform as a Service) platform project and a deployment solution for PaaS, that reduces time spent on deployments dramatically.

In offering complicated PaaS systems it is crucial to ensure that the platform can meet various requirements and besides that run smoothly despite of various deployments, upgrades and scaling. The F-Secure’s PaaS solution developed in Cloud Software Program consists of more than 25 different services even at the minimum setup and requires at least four different operating system images for the minimum deployment, but is nevertheless able to deploy fast and cost-efficiently.

F-secure developed an automated deployment solution that reduced the duration of the deployment time from few days to less than a day. Due to  F-Secure’s solutions, the overall productivity of the project teams has improved significantly, and the solution called Devcloud Inception has been used as a standard setup for the entire development and testing infrastructure.

The customer can pay the PaaS platform and start building it with a content-centric applications, whereas the deployment tool is for F-Secure’s internal development. Both solutions make use of the resources in the cloud.

Don’t block the people

Mr Kuan Eeik Tan, a Programme Director of F-Secure’s projects in Cloud Software Programme, is very content with the results. The project team has been working according to Kanban methods, where the major principles have been on concentrating not to slow down the people neither on the customer’s nor the developer’s side.

”In order to be competitive in the market, the operator needs to offer reliable services. Our job is to enable that by being very adaptive to the often very rapidly changing needs in the market and by being able to offer a competitive solutions”, he says.

Programs like Cloud Software Finland are also very important for F-Secure in order to keep up the competitiveness in the cloud content market.

”By partnering we make sure to be in the forefront of the development and not to lose time-to-market”, he continues.

The Cloud Software Finland (2010-2013) aims to improve the competitive position of Finnish software intensive industry in global markets. It aims to pioneer in building new cloud business models, lean software enterprise model and open cloud software infrastructure. The programm is financed by Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.

