Deliverables and Other Reports



D2.3.2: Scaling Agile: Automatic Acceptance Testing of High Capacity Network Gateway

Published by: AriTurunen Last modified: 2012.02.07

In this paper we will explore how agile acceptance testing is applied in testing a high capacity network gateway. We will demonstrate how the organisation managed to grow agile acceptance testing testing from two colocated teams to 20+ multi-site team setup and how acceptance test driven development is applied to complex network protocol testing. We will also cover how the initial ideas that we had of agile acceptance testing evolved during product development. At the end of paper we give recommendations to future projects using agile acceptance testing based on feedback that we have collected from our first customer trials.

D1.1.2 Best Practises for Cloud Computing

Published by: AriTurunen Last modified: 2012.02.07

This report presents best practices for cloud computing. It introduces the main technologies currently used in cloud computing. It then discusses the main commercial offerings and their programming models. We discuss hardware virtualization technologies used in datacenters, and three different service abstraction levels: infrastructure, platform and applications. Also the main drivers and adoption problems in cloud computing are covered. The report contains sections on scalable cloud technologies, cloud from the application programmers view, security and privacy in the cloud, as well as the use of clouds for machine learning and data mining. In this version of the report a major part of the contents are case studies performed in the Cloud Software project as well as the best practices learned from the case studies.

D3.2.1.1: The Use and Impact of Cloud Services in Finnish Software Industry

Published by: AriTurunen Last modified: 2012.02.07

This report analyzes the use and impact of cloud services in the software industry using data from the Finnish software industry survey (OSKARI). Key findings of this analysis are:

Finnish software firms already use cloud services to a significant degree

Firms that use cloud services tend to be young and growth-oriented

Cloud services are also used by development and consulting service firms

Cloud services are used in both consumer and B2B business

Cloud services are associated with business-centric solutions

Cloud services have no clear impact on firm performance

D1.3.1: Technical Report: Multimedia mashups

Published by: AriTurunen Last modified: 2012.02.07

Mashups, that combine data, code and other content from multiple sources, are a new breed of web applications that utilize the ubiquitous power of the Web. Mashups are used in desktop computers but also on mobile clients where new challenges emerge. This technical report presents currently available techniques and methods used implementing mashups on mobile environment and discusses about how these applications could be implemented in the future. One viewpoint of this document is how mashups can be used to create superior user experiences.

D3.2.1: Cloud Software Service Business Development Methodology

Published by: AriTurunen Last modified: 2012.02.07

Context and objectives: The Cloud Software Service Business development methodology, presented in this Work Package 3.2.1 Deliverable, focuses on finding and developing suitable methodologies for developing and transforming software businesses into Cloud services.


Activities performed: The key activities carried out during the project include the development of cloud business specific methodologies for business potential evaluation and business model transformation from customer perspective.

D2.1.1 UX Challenges and Initial Interaction Solutions with Technologies in the Cloud

Published by: TolgaTuncbilek Last modified: 2012.02.07
In the report below, the user experience strategic theme area of Cloud Software Programme introduces some cases where we have designed user interfaces and interaction solutions for cloud technologies. For each case, we describe the challenges faced in the interaction design and the solutions that we came up with.

Overview of the included cases:

Chapter 2 - Universally Reachable Contact Book, concept demo
This chapter describes a case where person‟s contact book information resides in the cloud. Through a participatory design and co-creation process, a user interface was ideated, prototyped, and tested.

Chapter 3 – EB Propsim F8 – User experience in a professional product
This case describes the initial phases of user-centred design process, where the researchers aim to understand how the current solution is used by professional users, and what are the current interaction challenges. The data collection methods included contextual inquiry and expert evaluation methods, and the results were analysed against well-known usability heuristics by Nielsen.

Chapter 4 - Flowd, the music lovers‟ social network
Flowd is a concept where fans can follow their favourite artist through cloud services. The main interaction challenges rise from integration of several existing services to the concept.

Chapter 5 – Cloud of Things
This chapter describes two different solutions for enhancing people‟s shopping experience. The first one is an rfid tag -based prototype running on Android mobile device, allowing users to view and compare detailed product information e.g. related to sustainability of a grocery shop product. The other one is a „peek inside the box‟ concept, and augmented reality and context awareness system to view a 3D model of a product that is still inside a package.
As many of these cases show, the optimal interaction solution is not about adding a nice user interface on top of the system like icing on the cake. In order to implement optimal interaction, the functionality and technical architecture of the system needs to be designed from the beginning to support easy and delighting interaction.
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