Kaarina Karppinen, Kaisa Koskela, Timo Koivumäki
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Kaitoväylä 1, 90570 Oulu, Finland
kaarina.karppinen@vtt.fi, kaisa.koskela@vtt.fi, timo.koivumaki@vtt.fi
Keywords: Cloud services, End users, Consumer behaviour, Quantitative method.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine how commonly cloud services are used by consumers around the world and to discover possible differences in cloud service usage within various countries. An online survey was conducted in three countries (Finland, USA and Japan) with more than 3000 respondents. The results show that almost all respondents have used at least some cloud services but the Japanese use them substantially less than the Americans or the Finns. From the five cloud service categories examined in the survey, webmail services are the most commonly used by 91 percent of the respondents. Out of all cloud service examples in our survey Youtube is the most popular one.